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Space is full of danger. We can't breathe in space. Time works differently there. We assume what will be on the other side of the universe but nobody really knows it. There are billions of meteorites in space and according to a study, a meteorite can strike Earth without warning.
In 2013, a meteorite struck a mountain in Russia, injuring 400 people. Before its arrival on the surface of our planet, nobody knew that it was coming. Also one day our universe can explode without even warning us.

Following are some facts about space that are terrifying but true: 
5. A Vampire Star

Some stars, greater in size strike with the small stars around them, sucking the life force out of them, these stars are blue in color and are huge giants. They are called O-type stars or Vampire stars. Mostly their victim is a cool brown dwarf star. They strike with small stars to get brighter and bigger in size. These vampire stars do not live forever. They keep on sucking the force of smaller dwarf stars that attach to them, but when they suck up enough energy from their partner star not only the smaller star will be left with a cold lifeless shell but the vampire star will grow so massive and huge that it will explode due to its bloated energy.
4. Stars Will Vanish One Day
Recently, a research group from Sweden reported something strange. They compared star maps taken in the 1950s with the star maps of recent surveys and discovered that 100 stars vanished. They named this project VASCO (Vanishing and Appearing Sources during a Century of Observation). It is true that one day all lights (stars) in the sky will vanish. The reason is that over the billion or trillion years our galaxy will integrate with other galaxies making them large. Meanwhile, other galaxies will move far away from our planet. And eventually, it would be impossible for us to see them. Our Universe is expanding at a very fast rate. If humans were still alive after billions of years, they would have no idea about space. They will only see a sun, moon, and a few stars. 
3. Floating Dead 

When space was a new thing to science, scientists did many experiments to know more about space, some turn good but most of the experiments turn fatal. Scientists have sent many animals like dogs, cats, rats, rabbits, and chimpanzees into space to see what happens but the result was not good, as they received nothing. Same as many astronauts who couldn't get back to Earth are still up there. Many astronauts have died in spaceflights and in space missions. A dead body doesn't decompose in space because there is no oxygen present there. So it remains the same until it could reach the sun. If you ever get a chance to go in space you might come across floating corpses of humans or animals. We have stopped thinking about the lost astronauts and their spacecraft and space shuttles assuming that they might be dead. But what if some of them are still alive waiting for help. 
2. Space Can Change Our DNA

Scientists believe that space has foreign and hard effects on our bodies and that it can alter our cells, effectively mutating them, the same happened to Scout Kelly.
In 2016, an astronaut named Scout Kelly returned back to Earth after spending a year in space. He was working in an international space station. When he came back he realized that he was 2 inches taller than before, it was surprising because it shouldn't happen to adults. Scientists began to study his DNA and found out that his DNA was changed 7%. Well, it is impossible that a genome changes 7% in a year because according to research, it takes 26 million years for a genome to mutate 7%. But later on, scientists revealed that the genome of Scout didn't change only some of his genes who were being used and active, were changed. Scout Kelly had a twin brother, at the time when he was leaving Earth, he and his brother were exactly the same (identical twin) but when he returns back to Earth they seem like fraternal twins.
1. B31715+425

B31517+425 is the name of a black hole that is strolling through space at the speed of 3 million miles per hour. Most black holes remain attached to their galaxy but this black hole is different from others as it is a wretch black hole whose galaxy collided with a bigger galaxy and ripped it into pieces. Rather than comprehending the galaxy, as other black holes do, B31517+425 ripped itself. It is rushing around space, sucking everything in its way. But it is currently 2 billion light-years away from our planet. But due to its peppy speed, it could cover the distance much faster than we could think. This black hole is a million times greater than the Sun. If it comes our way we won't even get a chance to think about what we can do to survive because it will instantly suck everything. 




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