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Throughout history, we have constantly searched and learned more and more about our planet. Our endless curiosity has led us to know more about our planet. Well, we have reached space to know more about other planets (the whole universe). But there is one place that remains a mystery, a place where darkness brings new meaning to the life of the ocean. You have probably heard that oceans cover the largest area of our planet. But you might not know what's inside it. 

Following facts about the ocean will surely blow your mind out with water.

10. The Pacific Ocean is Wider than the Moon.

From Indonesia to Colombia the Pacific Ocean is at its widest point, at this point, it is wider than the moon, quite a lot. The expanse of the ocean is 12,300 miles across which is more than five times the diameter of the moon. The diameter of the moon is 3,474.2 km.

9. The World's Largest Living Structure.

The world's largest living structure is not a copse of trees or a massive fungus neither it is at the surface of Earth. It is the Great Barrier Reef. It is the world's largest coral reef system composed of over 2,900 individual reefs and 900 islands stretching for over 2,300 km over an area of approximately 344,400 square km. It is located in the Coral Sea off the coast of Queensland, Australia. It is so huge that it can actually be seen from outer space.

8. We have better maps of Mars than Oceans

Till now scientists have only explored 5% of the ocean according to National Ocean Service. In fact, we have better images of mars than the ocean, although it's nearly 50,000 million miles far away from us. Oceans are mysterious, we had reached other planets but still couldn't get to know about oceans which are part of our own planet.

7. The Ocean has more Artifacts than all the Museums in the World   

Millions of ships and aircraft have crashed and sank in the water. Because of these shipwrecks, aircraft wrecks, and ocean houses, oceans have more treasures and artifacts than all the museums combined.

6. 70% of Earth's Surface is Covered by Water

Our Earth is full of mysteries and there are many facts that science can't explain. It is unbelievable but true that almost 70 to 72 % of the earth's surface is water. And there are trillions of underwater species which are unknown. Scientists have estimated that it could be true that the world would end before science reach every corner of this planet.
     The ocean is like an entirely separate world. There are trenches, mountains, volcanoes, seas, and rivers in it. According to CBS News, more than half of the United States exists underwater. The planet's longest mountain range is underwater and is 10 times greater than the Andes. The actual largest mountain range above water is the Andes which is about 4,300 miles long.

5. The ocean is a 70% Source of Oxygen

About 70 % of the oxygen in our atmosphere is produced by a tiny marine plant called Prochlorococcus and some other ocean phytoplankton. Scientists have explained that these marine plants are responsible for most of the oxygen on our planet. That's why water pollution is affecting our atmosphere at greater levels. These toxic materials would be fatal for both creatures living on water and Earth.

4. Speed of Tsunami 

A tsunami is a series of waves in water bodies that are triggered by seismic events. They can move across the ocean at a speed of 500 miles per hour when the ocean depth is 3.5 miles, according to the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center. These waves are only a few inches above the surface and that's why these waves are usually unnoticed. When these waves come closer to land their size increases and depth shrinks but then slows down.

3. The Mysterious Song

For decades now, scientists have been tracking a mysterious song heard in the depth of the ocean. The song-like sounds have been identified as the sound of a single male whale who is trying to communicate with others. Its voice is special because it produces a frequency of around 52 Hz. But most of the sea animals and species have sound frequencies very low compared to its, between 15 and 25 Hz. That is why they can't hear his voice and thus called the World's Loneliest Whale.
2. 3 Million Ship Wrecks

It has been estimated that roughly 3 million shipwrecks are resting on the surface of the ocean. They sank beneath the surface of the ocean and were never seen again. They took everything inside it, all the cargo, gold, and also lives. Trillions of treasures are present at the surface of the ocean. 
There are around 20 million tons of gold dispersed throughout the ocean. If the ocean's gold were equally distributed among every person, each person will receive 9 pounds of gold.

1. The pressure at the Bottom of the Ocean

The density of water causes ambient pressure that increases dramatically with depth. The Mariana Trench is the deepest point in the ocean. If you made your way down there, it had felt like you were holding up nearly 50 jumbo jets. 
More humans have reached the moon than the Mariana trench. Almost one dozen people have stepped on the moon but only three people have reached to Mariana trench.                      
Here's a Bonus : 

-Bermuda Triangle: 

                            The Bermuda Triangle has long been considered a mysterious place because of its strange, paranormal activities. It is a place where ships and aircraft mysteriously disappear and can never be seen again. This is not the case at all. Officially the triangle is not considered to exist as there are many other disappearances in other regions of the ocean of similar size. And many other disappearances have even taken place near but outside of the Bermuda triangle. The only reason it is considered paranormal is because of some works of popular cultures who are making assumptions according to the idea of their philosophy and religion and making it popular. 




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