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In our ecosystem, there are many animals present. Some of them are really astonishing and beneficial but some of them are very harmful and a great threat to life, as they produce toxins. The following are the most poisonous animals in the world. 
10. The Stone Fish 
Stonefish is one of the most venomous species of fish. It is mostly found in the region of Indo-pacific. Its poison can cause death in an hour. It has dorsal fin spines. Its poison spreads as if someone steps on it because in this way a poison is forced into the foot.
9. The Brazilian Wandering Spider
These spiders are one of the most poisonous species of spiders. They were recorded as the most poisonous animal in the world in 2007. These spiders are also called armed or banana spiders. These spiders are nocturnal. They don't live in trees, they are found on the ground. They can cause respiratory disorders and muscle cramping. 
8. The Poisonous Dart Frog 
This frog is found in South America. It is one of the most dangerous animals on this planet as there is only one animal that has resistance against its poison- a snake. Its poison is so deadly that it can kill 10 adult humans in one dose in under 10 minutes. There is no antidote to it. 
7. The Puffer Fish
They are mostly found in the Indian, Atlantic, and Pacific Oceans. There are almost 120 species of this fish. These are very poisonous as they are 1,200 times more dangerous than cyanide. One pufferfish is enough to kill 30 adult humans. There is still no antidote to this poison. 
6. The King Cobra 
It is found in Southeast Asia. It is the longest venomous snake on our planet. Its poison is toxic enough to kill 20 people and also giant animals such as elephants. It can kill its prey within 30 minutes. Its venom affects the respiratory system of the brain and causes respiratory disorders and cardiac failure. 
5. The Deathstalker Scorpion
They are mostly found in Africa. It is the most dangerous species of scorpion. Its sting is very painful but its venom doesn't kill an adult human. Only one species is deadly to humans and it is found in the US. Its sting can cause headaches, abdominal cramps, and diarrhea, and it may lead to lung inflammation.
4. The Marbled Cone Snail
They are very dangerous as their symptoms appear in minutes or take days. Its poison can lead to paralysis, blindness, respiratory failure, and even death. A few microliters of poison are enough to kill 10 people. They are found in India, Japan, New Caledonia, and Samoa. 
3. The Blue-Ringed Octopus
It is found in the Pacific and the Indian Ocean mostly from Japan to Australia. It is known as one of the most venomous marine animals on our planet. They are really small in size but very dangerous because their venom contains neurotoxin tetrodotoxin. Its venom can kill 20 adult humans at once. 
2. The Inland taipan
They are found in Australia. Inland taipans are rated as the most toxic venomous snakes in the world. One drop of its venom is enough to kill 100 adult humans at once within 45 minutes. Anti-venoms exist but they must be given to the patient very quickly. 
1. The Box JellyFish
Box jellyfish are found in northern Australia. They are rated as the most poisonous animal on our planet. They can kill a human in two minutes. It can cause Irukandji syndrome. Its venom can increase blood pressure to a very high level which can lead to brain hemorrhage and eventually death.


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